Rod Armitage, Marion Burow, Jan Price celebrate first place in the Sage Green Mixed Triples competition at the Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club. (Submitted photo)

Rod Armitage, Marion Burow, Jan Price celebrate first place in the Sage Green Mixed Triples competition at the Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club. (Submitted photo)

Oak Bay lawn bowling dubs Sage winners

Club open every Friday night for visitor play

Rod Armitage, Marion Burow and Jan Price earned top ranking during the Sage Green Mixed Triples at Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club on Aug.5.

Play partners an experienced and new players in three random, 10-end games.

Henriette Ballinger, Ian McMorran and Eric Fraikin finished second.

Third place went to Al Neumair, Jennifer Letkeman and Marcia Wood with Al Wood, Sandy Armitage and Suzanne Ewan finishing fourth.

The Oak Bay Lawn Bowling Club gears up for its weekly Friday visitor’s night on the local greens. Last Friday, the club welcomed visitors from as far away as Nicaragua and Boulder. Orientation is at 6 p.m. with bowling at 6:30 p.m. at the club, 2190 Harlow Dr. in Oak Bay. Visit for more on upcoming events.


Oak Bay News