The track at South Surrey Athletic Park is in need of resurfacing, and the Ocean Athletics track-and-field club is aiming to raise money for the initiative through the Kraft Project Play contest. (File photo)

The track at South Surrey Athletic Park is in need of resurfacing, and the Ocean Athletics track-and-field club is aiming to raise money for the initiative through the Kraft Project Play contest. (File photo)

Ocean Athletics takes aim at Project Play contest in quest for track resurfacing

South Surrey Athletic Park track 'eight years behind it's best-before date' says club

The Semiahmoo Peninsula-based Ocean Athletics Track and Field Club is taking its best shot in a national contest, in an effort to raise money for its home track.

The club is currently one of the entrants into the Kraft Heinz Project Play contest, which is run in conjunction with national sports broadcast network, TSN.

Essentially, the competition mirrors the popular Kraft Hockeyville event – but for other sports – that occurs each year and raises money for minor-hockey associations and arenas across the country.

Through Project Play, Ocean Athletics is aiming to win money to put towards resurfacing of the track at South Surrey Athletic Park. Through the competition, $250,000 is up for grabs.

The judging period for all entrants runs from Sept. 23 until Oct. 11, with the top four finalists announced Oct. 12. From there, voting takes place from Oct. 18-20 and a winner is announced a few days later.

• READ ALSO: Record-breaking weekend for South Surrey track-and-field athletes

The track was built in 2005 but, according to Ocean Athletics head coach Maureen de St. Croix “is now eight years beyond its best-before date.”

In an email sent to Ocean Athletics members and others in the community, the club described the track’s current issues in need of attention.

“It is delaminating and worn through in many areas – a result of the tremendous use the track gets,” the email states.

“Another winter of rain and snow leaking underneath the surface is going to cause lifting and bubbling, making the surface dangerous and unusable.”

The total cost to resurface the track is estimated at $450,000. It was built in ’05 for $2.5-million, in conjunction with a handful of other athletic-park improvements, which at the time included new light standards at the baseball diamonds, the construction of the South Surrey Recreation Centre and the conversion of a grass soccer field to turf.

Those wishing to support the club’s Project Play initiative are asked to visit the contest’s webpage and share a story about how you use the track.

“The contest is looking for community passion and engagement,” according to the email. “Take a few minutes and let your passion shine through for this great community facility. We do not want to lose this facility.”

Online submissions are due by Sept. 22.

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