Okanagan Challenge striker John Hodnett

Okanagan Challenge striker John Hodnett

Okanagan Challenge spotlight

Striker/midfielder back with PCSL team after visit to his native England

Each week during the Pacific Coast Soccer League season in the Capital News, freelance reporter Drew Pihlainen profiles a member of the 2012 Okanagan Challenge.

Today, John Hodnett

Position: Striker or midfielder

Hometown: Wolverhampton, U.K.

Age: 21

University team: Simon Fraser University

John played with the Challenge last year and rejoined the team this week after spending some time at home in England.


Q: What drew you to soccer?

A: Soccer’s the biggest thing in England, like hockey here in Canada. Most kids grow up playing “football.”


Q: So you haven’t been here long, but what are your first impressions about the season so far?

A: Well I know a lot of the guys from last year. I’ve heard it’s been pretty tough this season: we’ve had a few more losses than we’d like, but I’m just here to have fun and hopefully win the last few games of the season.


Q: How did you end up playing for the Challenge?

A: Carson (Gill, team manager) was one of my friends from university (SFU), and he had asked a couple of the players to come play here.


Q: What do you like about being in the Okanagan?

A: The girls are a lot prettier here than they are in England… The weather’s a bit better as well.


Q: How do people respond back home when you tell them you’re playing for a team called the Okanagan Challenge ?

A: Well they don’t know anything about it, to be honest. But my parents are always keen and wanting to know what’s going on.


Q: What do you like most about playing with the Challenge?

A: The guys: it was a good laugh last season playing with them, especially because we went all the way to win the championship.


Q: What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you in a soccer match?

A: One time, a goalkeeper was about to kick the ball out and I ran past as he was about to take the kick and headed it out of his hands. Everyone just stopped, but the ref said “play on” so I just passed it in the net and scored.


Q: Anything else you’d like to say?

A: I just want to go to bed, to be honest—I’m a bit jet-lagged.


Kelowna Capital News