Philip Simoes keeps the puck away from the opposition during a game against the Williams Lake Stampeders on Sunday.

Philip Simoes keeps the puck away from the opposition during a game against the Williams Lake Stampeders on Sunday.

Omineca Ice miss out on points during weekend home games

The Ice played two games this weekend at home losing to Quesnel on Saturday and Williams Lake on Sunday.

The Omineca Ice played two games this weekend at the Vanderhoof arena losing to the Quesnel Kangaroos on Saturday and the Williams Lake Stampeders on Sunday.

Saturday’s game started off positive for the Ice with a goal just seconds into the game from Philip Simoes, assisted by Dustin Erickson and Tyrell Turgeon.

The Ice went into the second period with a two-goal lead after a goal from Rane Marshall with six minutes left in the first, assisted by Dustin Erickson and Tyrell Turgeon.

Period two saw the Roos come back with a vengeance, scoring three goals in the first five minutes and another two before the period ended putting the score at 5 – 2 for the Roos going into the third.

The Ice fought back at the start of the third and Justin Alessandrini scored a goal after three minutes, assisted by Dustin Erickson. The Roos answered with  two quick goals a few minutes later before Erickson answered back with a goal assisted by Derek Little and Dustin Shields.

With the scoring gap closed to 7 – 4 and 10 minutes left of the game, the Ice were still in with a chance at a come back, however, the game saw no more goals from either team.

“We had a really strong first period and then our team just got really soft,” said Omineca Ice coach, Chris Reed.

“I’m not sure if it’s because we’ve been playing so many games and we’re tired … we just didn’t really push.” he said.


The Ice faced the defending Coy Cup champions the Williams Lake Stampeders in a 1 p.m. game on Sunday losing 13 -5.



Vanderhoof Omineca Express