Opening the tournament

Ceremony at the Sportsplex in Clearwater officially opens the Tier 4 Midget provincial hockey championships

Above: Teams from Creston, Chetwynd, Burns Lake, Kelowna, White Rock and Clearwater line up for the opening ceremony for the Tier 4 Midget provincial championships in the Sportsplex. The event ran from Sunday until Wednesday.

Above: Teams from Creston, Chetwynd, Burns Lake, Kelowna, White Rock and Clearwater line up for the opening ceremony for the Tier 4 Midget provincial championships in the Sportsplex. The event ran from Sunday until Wednesday.

Teams from Creston, Chetwynd, Burns Lake, Kelowna, White Rock and Clearwater line up for the opening ceremony for the Tier 4 Midget provincial championships in the Sportsplex. The event ran from Sunday until Wednesday.


Jordene singsLeft: Jordene Conroy sings O’ Canada to start things off.






Below: Clearwater and District Minor Hockey president Ole Kjenstad drops the puck to start the tournament for Clearwater Ice Hawk captain Keaton Noble (l) and Kelowna captain Marcus Apchin. Also in the photo are Clearwater councillor Ken Kjenstad (left rear) and BC Hockey rep. Sherry Waklin (right rear).



Clearwater Times