Orcas in the swim nationally

Swimmers return from Quebec with stories of success

Ladysmith’s Orca Swim club competitors Faith Knelson and Aileen Humphreys did themselves, and their community, proud at the Canadian Age Group Championship Swim Meet in Quebec City July 29 to Aug. 3.

Now it’s time for them to set their sights at the far end of the pool again, for the next lap in their young careers.

Knelson brought home eight medals: five gold, one silver and two bronze in the ten events she swam; Humphreys made finals in two of her four events.

“I had a great time,” Humphreys said of her time in Quebec, her second crack at the nationals. “It’s a learning experience.”

Having been to the nationals once already, she felt better prepared going into competition this time. Next year she wants to build on that.

“I’m going to train harder so, hopefully, I make medals next year,” she said. “I’m going to go forward and do a little better.”

Despite a stellar performance against competitors three to four years older than her, Knelson isn’t ecstatic about her results. “It was a good nationals for me,” she said. “I would like to have done better.”

She had set herself the goal of winning medals in every event she qualified for. But her backstroke kept her from earning medals in two.

Coach Dusan Toth-Szabo was pleased with both swimmers. “I don’t know anybody who’s equally good at all four

strokes,” he said of Knelson’s performance.

As for Humphreys: “She really had a chance to win a medal, so hopefully she will next year.”

For a few weeks the team will take a break, but they’ll be back in the pool by September. “I’m actually missing swimming right now,” Knelson said. “I still wish I was in training.”

And what’s at the other end of the pool this year?

“I’m really excited about coming back next season and competing in Olympic trials.”

It’s a long shot, she admits, but if anyone could swim uphill, Knelson could, and you never know what might happen until you set your heart on it.

Cutline: Swimmers Aileen Humphreys and Faith Knelson with Coach Dusan Toth-Szabo, back from the Nationals in Quebec City.


Ladysmith Chronicle