Osmond defends title

Stacy Osmond defends title in Nelson over the long weekend.

Stacy Osmond on her bike and borrowed wheels,  is shown where she gained the lead.

Stacy Osmond on her bike and borrowed wheels, is shown where she gained the lead.

Local Stacy Osmond defended her first-place title in Nelson last weekend.

It was the 30th anniversary of the Cyswog’n’fun triathlon, which brought out the biggest field of contestants the event had ever seen, leaving Osmond with her work cut out for her.

“Going into the Cyswog’n’fun, I put a lot of pressure on myself to defend my title as first female last year,” Osmond said.

Osmond, of the Cariboo Triathlon Club, was the sole member of her club to make the trip to Nelson to take part in the Cyswog’n’fun triathlon, but the trek was more than worthwhile.

“I was so relieved when I came around the turn on the run to see that I had grown my lead to something that would be insurmountable for the next female. My reward for all the hard work was a purse worth almost $500 and a free entry to go back and defend again,” Osmond said.

The lead came during the cycling portion of the race. Omond was the second female out of the water, but caught and passed the female in first to capture the top spot.

Osmond didn’t sit back and enjoy her position after her pass either. She made sure to defend her position, gaining a five-minute lead on the second place female by the end of the race.

This year the course included a longer, 600m swim, a 22km cycle over rolling hills and a hot, hilly five-kilometre run.

Results aren’t available as of this writing, but Osmond says she finished in 1:17 and change, more than 30 seconds faster than her time last year.

The finish might have made the day, but great organizers, volunteers and massage therapists at the race added sweet, sweet icing to the top of her first place cake.

That cake wouldn’t have been possible without a key ingredient, a pair of wheels borrowed from John Courtney of Cycle Logic and Rocky Peak, whom Osmond would like to thank.

Next up for the Cariboo Triathlon Club, Heather Fisher is off to Kelowna to race in the Kelowna Apple in two weeks time. After which traithlon club members will participate in the Summerland Triathlon, Sept. 2.

Quesnel Cariboo Observer