Paddlers help support Kent Harrison SAR

Fundraiser for search and rescue team being held at Harrison dragon boat festival this Saturday

The Fraser Valley Dragon Boat Club’s annual regatta takes place in Harrison this Saturday, July 26.

For many years, Kent Harrison Search and Rescue have assisted by providing a safety boat and crew for the event. This year the dragon boat club is returning the favour by focusing on fund raising efforts for SAR.

A multiple prize raffle and a silent auction will be held to raise funds towards a new building for Kent Harrison Search and Rescue. Local merchants as well as rescue equipment suppliers have donated valuable items that will be part of the raffle. Even though hundreds of paddlers from BC and Washington State will be in attendance, local residents are also encouraged to visit the ticket booth, situated near the plaza and washrooms, to support the local SAR group.

Search and Rescue volunteers are all unpaid and spend hundreds of hours assisting those who need their services. To find out more about search and rescue in British Columbia, visit the BC SAR Association web site at

Agassiz Observer