Meighan Kerr, left, and Kassandra Ferguson compete for the Vernon Silhouettes at the provincials at Saanich Commonwealth Place.

Meighan Kerr, left, and Kassandra Ferguson compete for the Vernon Silhouettes at the provincials at Saanich Commonwealth Place.

Palfreyman’s work pays off

Julia Palfreyman put in four hours a week for eight months preparing for the Jean Peters Provincial Synchronized Swimming Championships.

Julia Palfreyman of the Vernon Silhouettes put in four hours a week for eight months preparing for the Jean Peters Provincial Synchronized Swimming Championships.

Going the extra mile worked big time as the Grade 8 VSS student rung up four gold medals. She competed in solo, duet with Shelby Kerry, figures and technical skill last weekend at Saanich Commonwealth Place.

“I feel like my solo was my best,” she said. “I performed to the best of my ability. My music was Fix You by Cold Play.”

Palfreyman has been a water junkie since starting swimming lessons at age three in the Yukon.

“My babysitter actually got me interested in the sport,” chuckled Palfreyman, who moved to Vernon in Grade 4 (BX Elementary). “I would like to compete as long as I can.”

She is coached by Katie Dick and Lisa Balcombe. Dick loves Palfreyman’s mind-set.

“Julia is a hard-working, self-motivated athlete,” said Dick. “She has a love and passion for synchronized swimming that puts her sport as a priority in her life.  She set her goals at the beginning of the season and achieved them at this meet, and it has been a pleasure working with her over this past season.  I’m looking forward to what she can do at the B.C. Summer Games this July.”

The Silhouettes are hosting their annual Watershow Saturday, June 21 at 4 p.m. at the Vernon Recreation Centre. The public is welcome to watch the athletes showcase their routines.  Admission is free.

Provincial results:  Level 2 13 & Over Figures (26 Competitors): 2nd Emma Smith, 5th Meagan Sloot, 9th Brittany Hill-Lonergan, 14th Carmen Peterson, 14th Kayla Muller, 16th Jenny Bernard, 18th, Cassidy Schwaerzle, 20th: Taylor Kelly.

Level 3 Figures (23 Competitors): 14th: Kassandra Ferguson, 16th Meighan Kerr.

Level 4 Figures: (8 Competitors)

1st: Palfreyman.

Level 5 Figures: (6 Competitors): 1st: Shelby Kerr.

Level 2/3 Technical Skills: (60 Competitors):                 14th: Ferguson, 19th Meagan Sloot, 20th Carmen Peterson, 26 Kerr, 29th: Smith, 30th Muller, 43rd.

Level 4/5 Technical Skills: (14 Competitors): 1st: Julia Palfreyman, 8th: Shelby Kerr.

Level 4 Solo: (3 Competitors): 1st Palfreyman.

Level 3 Duet: (5 Competitors): 3rd: Ferguson & Meighan Kerr.

Level 5 Duet: (2 Competitors): 1st: Shelby Kerr and Palfreyman.

Level 2 13 & Over Team: (4 Competitors):                3rd: Jungle Team  (coached by Katie Dick): Team members: Ferguson, Buchholz, Hill-Lonergan, Peterson, Smith, Sloot, Muller, & Schwaerzle.                4th: Jaws Team – (coached by Norlene Keller):                                Team members: Dalby, Kelly, Elliott, Bernard and Sunderland.


Vernon Morning Star