Parksville wieghtlifter

Parksville’s Zeyad Al Karsh returned home from the Canadian junior weightlifting championships in Winnipeg with a silver medal.

Parksville’s Zeyad Al Karsh returned home from the Canadian junior weightlifting championships in Winnipeg with a silver medal in the 105kg category with lifts of 103kg in the snatch event and 133kg in the clean and jerk.

Parksville’s Zeyad Al Karsh returned home from the Canadian junior weightlifting championships in Winnipeg with a silver medal in the 105kg category with lifts of 103kg in the snatch event and 133kg in the clean and jerk.

Parksville’s Zeyad Al Karsh returned home from the Canadian junior weightlifting championships in Winnipeg with a silver medal in the 105kg category with lifts of 103kg in the snatch event and 133kg in the clean and jerk.

Parksville Qualicum Beach News