Peewee girls win gold medal in tournament

Sooke's Peewee "B" girls won the top spot in the Wally Butler tournament

The Sooke Minor Fastball Peewee “B” team won gold at this year’s Wally Butler Memorial Tournament on May 5-6 at Art Morris Park.

Sooke’s Peewee “B” girls played against three teams during the preliminary Round Robin, and went into the gold match undefeated.

Six other teams from around the Island participated in the “B” division of the tournament.

Sandra Nelson, park president for Sooke Minor Fastball, said the Peewee “B” girls is a very strong team, along with the Bantam “B” girls.

“We’re very hopeful that those particular “B” teams will advance to provincials.”

The Peewee “C” girls also competed in the tournament in the “C” division, playing against six other teams.

The girls entered the final round for bronze, but did not come out with a medal, placing fourth out of six.

“They put a great effort up and they were up against some pretty strong “C” teams,” Nelson said.

The tournament is one of a three-part series, named after three men who founded Art Morris Park in 1946: Tony Sullivan, Wally Butler and Finn Kennedy.

Bruce Butler, son of Wally Butler, was present during the May 6 award ceremony and presented the medals and standings.

“We try to get the families involved,” Nelson said. “It was a very successful weekend and the weather was great for us, which we were so pleased about.”

The next tournament at Art Morris Park will be the Finn Kennedy Memorial Tournament on May 26-27 for the Squirt Girls “B” and “C” teams.


Sooke News Mirror