Peewee Seahawks prepare for final game of season

Despite a loss last weekend, the Seahawks are rallying up for the final push

The Sooke Home Hardware Seahawks are approaching their final game of the regular season. Rolling off a 48-0 loss to the Westshore Warriors last weekend, they will be thirsty for a battle against the Cowichan Bulldogs this Saturday.

The team has suffered from off-field injuries and struggled on the scoreboard this season, but I am proud of some things that make them a good group of boys who will be competitive until the end:

1) A core group of players who attend practices week after week to improve themselves and support their team.

2) A handful of rookies who have improved in skills and confidence over these 12 weeks.

3) Captains and leaders who have run portions of the practice, like warmups, without any prodding or supervision, and shown by example what is means to be dedicated and hard-working.

4) They are friends off the field – building relationships that can last a lifetime.

Your character can be shown in how you end this season. Make your community proud.

by Tom Billings, coach




Sooke News Mirror