Penticton cricket pitch ready

Construction on the pitch for the Okanagan Cricket Club at Mariposa Park in Penticton is complete.

Construction on the pitch for the Okanagan Cricket Club at Mariposa Park in Penticton is complete.

Club president Theo Bryant has been planning this project over the last few years. He has a clear vision for the future of cricket in the Penticton area and is delighted with the new facility.

“The club is now in a position where we have a fantastic park to meet and enjoy playing cricket,” said Bryant. “We just are thrilled with the opportunity to meet at a local park and practice the sport that many of us have grown up with.”

The club welcome new players as they train each Thursday throughout the summer at Mariposa Park (on the west bench of Penticton) off Vedette Drive from 5 to 7pm.

Another long-time cricketer, Steve Prowse has been busy with the construction of the pitch.

“We are hoping to attract some new players,” said Prowse. “Currently, we are a few players short of a full team and it would be great to be able to play a proper game against the social cricketers from Kelowna.”

Anyone interested in getting involved can contact by email or phone Theo Bryant on 250-770-0263.


Penticton Western News