Penticton Lakers rugby gearing up for the season

Since early in 2016, the Pen High Lakers senior girls rugby team has been training for a new season.

Since early in 2016, the Pen High Lakers senior girls rugby team has been training for a new season.

The work put in has helped the young team come together and bond. It’s a positive change after a trying season last year that saw the Lakers plagued by injuries and forced to forfeit games. Captains Shantelle Bishop and Julia Speirs feel good about the new season. They like the young nucleus, which features Grade 9 and 10 players.

“It’s nice to see how they bond,” said Bishop. “We’re becoming more of a team. It’s awesome. When we play games we can work as a team, succeed.”

Leading up to spring break, the two captains got to experience coaching their teammates as their coach was away. Spiers said it was a challenge but a good one that helped with their leadership roles.

“You learn how to do things,” she said. “It’s lots of responsibility. We have the respect of the team. They are learning so fast. There is still stuff we need to work on. I see great potential in this team.”

Speirs said with several new players it has been different.

“They’re all falling in love with the sport,” said Speirs.

The group is excited to start playing. Once in game mode, they believe things will click.

The main goal for Bishop and Speirs is to qualify for provincials.

“I went when I was in Grade 10 and it was a fun experience,” said Speirs.

Penticton Western News