Penticton men’s rec hockey scores

EcoDry Ice Dogs, Chargers and Biscuits pick up wins in Men's Rec Hockey action

  • Jan. 28, 2016 10:00 a.m.

The EcoDry Ice Dogs topped the Wolf Creek Chargers 8-2 in Penticton Men’s Rec Hockey League action. Dustin Johnson scored three, while Mike Funk and Nick Fuher scored twice. Chad Kupczyk added one as well. Kam Crawford and Jesse Morrison scored for the Chargers.

The Chargers picked up an 8-5 win over the Broncos. Brett Van Riper led the Chargers with five goals, while Thierry Martine scored twice and one goal each for Tommy Gabriel, Morrison and Brandon Watson. For the Broncos, it was Rob Burnett with two, Stuart Nisbet, Taylor Cote and Doug Leitner with a goal each.

The Biscuits edged the Broncos 6-5. Steve Semenoff scored three, while Doug Chadwick scored a pair and Lance Morin had one. For the Broncos, Nisbet scored a pair, with Tyler Ehlers, Matt Krause and Taylor Cote scoring one each.

The Broncos doubled up the Wolverines 10-5. Andrew Pond and Eric Cerutti each scored twice, while Ehlers, Nisbet, Chris Johnson, Chris Pond, Jordan Simpson and Cote scored one each. Joel Post, Derek Grimm, Ryan MacMurchy, Mark Petry and Sean Zuk scored for the Wolverines.

The Biscuits exploded against the Ice Dogs in a 14-8 win. Chadwick scored seven, while Jordan McCallum scored four, Chris Ward had two and Doug Sandrelli with one. Shane Doyon and Mitch MacMillan each netted three for the Ice Dogs, while Trevor Aubie and Johnson scored one each.


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