Penticton men’s rec hockey snapshots

Mule Broncos pick up wins in Penticton men's rec hockey action

In Penticton men’s rec hockey action, the Mule Broncos defeated the Game Time Sports Wolverines 5-1. Doug Leitner and Stuart Nisbet each scored twice for the Broncos. Ryan MacMurchy tallied the lone goal for the Wolverines. The Broncos then cruised past the Hitmen 7-3. Nisbet enjoyed another two-goal game, while Josh Seddon, Jamie Johnson, Taylor Cote, Jordan Moss and Leitner rounded out the offence. For the Hitmen, Tim Truman scored twice and Izzy Gudmundson scored the third goal. The Cawston Cold Storage Best Damn Wings won 7-4 against the EcoDry Ice Dogs. The Wings were led by Jamin Feist who scored three, while Lee Mowry, Tom Gabriel, Dan Zukiwsky and Roy Greig scored the other goals. For the Ice Dogs, it was Mike Funk with two, while Trevor Aubie and Kyle Freestone scored the other goals. The Ice Dogs then bounced back with a 7-3 win against the Wolverines. Funk led with a three-goal effort. For the Wolverines, it was Nelson Bowman, MacMurchy and Eric Stickney scoring. The Bar Once Argo Bison doubled up the Wings 4-2. Jesse Van Troyen led the Bisons with two goals. Mishak Potash and Elias Vikner scored for the Wings.



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