KISU swim club member Justin Fotherby is one of six swimmers from across Canada to be recognized for the 2020-2021 Victor Davis Award. (Submitted photo)

Penticton swimmer wins major awards, closing in on Olympic dream

Justin Fotherby, a KISU club member, has just won the prestigious Victor Davis Award

Justin Fotherby, of the KISU Swim Club, is one to watch as he has earned his second Swim Canada national award recently. Fotherby is one of six swimmers from across Canada to be recognized for the 2020-2021 Victor Davis Award.

Fotherby, a Grade 12 student at Penticton High School, will also come closer to that Olympic dream by competing in the upcoming Olympic Swimming Trials being held in Toronto May 24 to 28.

The Victor Davis Memorial Fund was established to remember Victor and his contribution to competitive swimming in Canada. The award assists young Canadian swimmers to continue their training, education and pursuit of excellence at the international level of competition.

“I am both proud and honoured,” said Justin. “The tremendous contribution Victor Davis made to competitive swimming both in Canada and around the world is inspiring.”

He was also awarded Swim Canada’s Dr. Jeno Tihanyi Award and the Canadian/Pacific Sport Institute (Okanagan) – Sport Hero Award.

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