(Cherie Morgan Photography)

Penticton Vees players and staff test negative for COVID-19

The team has been in isolation since a player tested positive last week

It was announced last week (Nov. 28) that a player on the Penticton Vees had tested positive for COVID-19.

Following this news, all close contacts of the player, including Vees players and staff, were tested for the virus. The test results are now in and they have all come back negative, the Vees announced Friday, Dec. 4.

READ MORE: Penticton Vees quarantining after player tests positive for COVID-19

Despite the negative test results, all close contacts of the COVID-positive player will remain in quarantine until early next week when they will have completed their 14 days.

“I am very pleased with the professional approach our players, and of course our medical staff, took to ensure the situation would stay isolated,” said Vees president, general manager and head coach, Fred Harbinson. “I also want to take the time to thank our billets for all their support during these difficult times.”

The Vees player in question is the second BCHL player to have tested positive for COVID-19 this season, after a member of the Surrey Eagles contracted the virus in October. Both situations were limited to one isolated case on the team and an outbreak was avoided.

“We are happy to hear the news today that the rest of the Vees organization and their billet families have all tested negative for COVID-19,” said BCHL Commissioner Chris Hebb. “The goal of our COVID-19 safety plan is to do everything we can to avoid a positive test on one of our teams, but the reality is that these situations are inevitable given the current numbers in the province. The two cases we’ve had have both been limited to one isolated positive test and that is because our teams have followed the protocols in place and they have proven to be effective.”

The BCHL is expected to make an announcement on the status of the 2020/21 season Monday, Dec. 7.

READ MORE: Penticton Vees receive anonymous $3,000 donation

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Penticton Western News