KURT LANGMANN PHOTO DW Poppy Secondary’s Gillian Annett tackles Mountain player in the junior girls game.

KURT LANGMANN PHOTO DW Poppy Secondary’s Gillian Annett tackles Mountain player in the junior girls game.

Perfect weather for Rugby 7s Tournament: ACTION PHOTOS

Players caked in mud at Langley School District-wide tournament March 8

It was cold and rainy for the annual Langley School District high school Rugby 7s Tournament hosted by DW Poppy Secondary.

In other words it was perfect weather for the games and a huge crowd came out to cheer on their favourite teams.

The event is for both boys and girls teams, in the Grade 8, Junior and Senior age groups. Participating teams included DW Poppy, Langley, Muntain, HD Stafford, Yorkson Creek and Brookswood schools, which each played 15 minute games.

Aldergrove was not represented this year due to lack of teams but players from Aldergrove did play for other teams, such as Cheye Gustafson who played for the DW Poppy team.

Langley Rugby Club presented hoodies as the prizes for the top sprinters in each grade at the Langley School Rugby 7s Tournament, held at Poppy Secondary March 8.

Girls’ winners were: Gr. 8 Hope Wystrom of Yorkson, Gr. 9 Madison Batchler of Poppy, Gr. 10 Yri Balla of LSS, Gr. 11. Sage Gladiuk of Poppy, Gr. 12 Cheye Gustafson of Aldergrove; Boys: Gr. 8 Ken Paul of Poppy, Gr. 9 Robin Moo of LSS, Gr. 10 James Robbins of REMSS, Gr. 11 Ethan Bernadin of REMSS and Gr. 12 John Oguden of Poppy.

DW Poppy Secondary won half of the tournament final awards. Winners were as follows: Gr. 8 boys: DW Poppy; Gr. 8 girls: Yorkson Creek; Jr. boys: DW Poppy; Jr. girls: RE Mountain; Sr. boys: RE Mountain; and Sr. girls: DW Poppy.

Aldergrove Star