Personal best for Young

Two PSO athletes compete at provincial track and field championships

  • Jun. 18, 2015 11:00 a.m.
Taiya Young, a Grade 9 student at Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School, practised high jump at the local high school ahead of the BC High School Track & Field Championships in Langley, June 4-6.

Taiya Young, a Grade 9 student at Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School, practised high jump at the local high school ahead of the BC High School Track & Field Championships in Langley, June 4-6.

Taiya Young soared to a personal best of 1.40-metres in high jump and Brittany Lund reached 18.2-m in the discuss throw at the BC High School Track & Field Championships in Langley, June 4-6.

The two Peter Skene Ogden Secondary School (PSO) athletes who competed at the provincial event were among five locals who qualified. (Ashley Holyk for shot put, discus, javelin and triple jump, Cassidy Mellott for the 400-metre race and triple jump and Courtney Cave for triple jump also qualified, but didn’t attend the competition.)

A 100 Mile House junior girls team won the most points in their division at the North Central High School Zone Meet in Prince George in May.

The athletes worked very hard throughout the track and field season, and they really pulled together during competitions, says coach Lori Meville.

“At Zones, they did their absolute best and it showed in the placements and points they earned for the school. Five students out of 7 who went to Zones qualified for provincials, which has not happened at PSO in a very long time. The two athletes, Lund and Young, who competed at provincials did not really know what to expect in terms of the level of competition in Langley, and it was a great experience for both of them.”


100 Mile House Free Press