Team TNT (black) with Chilliwack’s NWO Junior Roller Derby league played against the InterStellas of the Seattle Derby Brats at the Landing Sports Centre on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020. (Jenna Hauck/ The Progress)

Team TNT (black) with Chilliwack’s NWO Junior Roller Derby league played against the InterStellas of the Seattle Derby Brats at the Landing Sports Centre on Saturday, Jan. 25, 2020. (Jenna Hauck/ The Progress)

PHOTOS: Chilliwack junior roller derby team celebrates long-awaited win over Seattle

NWO Junior Roller Derby hosted two games on the weekend against the Seattle Derby Brats

They won!

Chilliwack’s NWO Junior Roller Derby has played against the Seattle Derby Brats at least once a season for the past four or more years and they’d never beat them – until now.

Team TNT of Chilliwack beat the InterStellas 200 to 172 Saturday afternoon at the Chilliwack Landing Sports Centre.

TNT is the younger of the two local junior teams with skaters ranging in age from eight to 12 years old. The Honey Badgers is the league’s senior youth team for 13- to 18-year-olds.

The Honey Badgers took on Seattle’s Ultra Violets that same day with the U.S. team beating the home team.

The kids were also collecting donations of winter clothing for Ruth and Naomi’s.

Children as young as seven can join. The younger kids play low-contact roller derby, while the teenagers play full-contact.

NWO Junior Roller Derby is the Fraser Valley’s first junior roller derby league. It is one of only three leagues for young skaters in all of B.C.

Admission is always free to NWO’s games.

READ MORE: Daze of Derby a big hit in Chilliwack

READ MORE: Junior roller derby boot camp a first in Chilliwack


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