PHOTOS: Hardest shot? Fastest skater? BCHL all-stars hit Penticton rink

Penticton Vees goaltender Will Ingemann faces a shot from Cole Melady from the Coquitlam Express during BCHL All-Star Weekend on Penticton’s outdoor next to city hall on Jan. 20, 2024. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)Penticton Vees goaltender Will Ingemann faces a shot from Cole Melady from the Coquitlam Express during BCHL All-Star Weekend on Penticton’s outdoor next to city hall on Jan. 20, 2024. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)
Penticton Vees co-captain Callum Arnott during BCHL All-Star Weekend on Jan. 20. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)Penticton Vees co-captain Callum Arnott during BCHL All-Star Weekend on Jan. 20. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)
Saturday, Jan. 20, marked the second year in a row the BCHL has brought its all-star festivities to Penticton’s outdoor rink. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)Saturday, Jan. 20, marked the second year in a row the BCHL has brought its all-star festivities to Penticton’s outdoor rink. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)
Penticton Vees forwards and all-stars Ryan MacPherson and Callum Arnott chat during BCHL All-Star Weekend on Penticton’s outdoor rink. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)Penticton Vees forwards and all-stars Ryan MacPherson and Callum Arnott chat during BCHL All-Star Weekend on Penticton’s outdoor rink. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)
The BCHL’s hardest shot competition on Penticton’s outdoor rink. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)The BCHL’s hardest shot competition on Penticton’s outdoor rink. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)
BCHL all-stars participated in skills competitions on Penticton’s outdoor rink on Jan. 20. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)BCHL all-stars participated in skills competitions on Penticton’s outdoor rink on Jan. 20. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)
The skills competition wrapped up with a breakaway relay challenge. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)The skills competition wrapped up with a breakaway relay challenge. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)
Penticton Vees reunite at BCHL All-Star Weekend. From left to right: Ryan MacPherson, Callum Arnott and Will Ingemann. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)Penticton Vees reunite at BCHL All-Star Weekend. From left to right: Ryan MacPherson, Callum Arnott and Will Ingemann. (Logan Lockhart/Western News)

For the second year in a row, the BCHL’s brightest stars laced up their skates on Penticton’s outdoor rink Saturday, Jan. 20, for the league’s annual all-star weekend.

Thousands of locals and tourists alike took in the festivities next to city hall, as 20 of the league’s top players participated in a skills competition and three-on-three tournament.

A trio of Penticton Vees — Ryan MacPherson, Callum Arnott and Will Ingemann — stepped on the ice to loud ovations from the hometown crowd.

Ingemann, a rookie goaltender, stood out when he made eight consecutive saves to start the league’s breakaway relay.

Two players from each of the Interior and Coastal conferences took part in four different drills.

Other events included the fastest skater, hardest shot, and agility/passing challenge.

The skills competition was succeeded by the BCHL Alumni and Friends Game and the three-on-three all-star tournament, featuring the same players who participated in the aforementioned drills.

BCHL regular-season action returns on Wednesday, Jan. 24.

READ MORE: Game on! RCMP, firefighters face off on Penticton’s outdoor rink
