Piccolofondo rolls to big numbers

While Valley First Granfondo Axel Merckx Okanagan enjoyed an increase in participants, so did the Piccolofondo.

Eager seven and eight year olds leave the starting line Saturday during one of the Piccolofondo heats as a prelude to the Valley First Granfondo Axel Merckx Okanagan on Sunday. The Piccolofondo saw a growth of 78 participants, which event captain Pam MacDonald was happy to see.

Eager seven and eight year olds leave the starting line Saturday during one of the Piccolofondo heats as a prelude to the Valley First Granfondo Axel Merckx Okanagan on Sunday. The Piccolofondo saw a growth of 78 participants, which event captain Pam MacDonald was happy to see.

While Valley First Granfondo Axel Merckx Okanagan enjoyed an increase in participants, so did the Piccolofondo.

The free event, geared for kids from five to 12, grew from 172 last year, to 250 kids this year.

Piccolofondo captain Pam MacDonald said the two-kilometre circuit had “an awesome turnout.”

The event started at Gyro Park, turned onto Lakeshore Drive, then onto Martin Street and Westminster Avenue before getting back onto Main Street.

“We were hoping for just over 200,” said MacDonald of the event, which had six heats of kids. “We had to shut down registration on Friday night because we were full. When people walked up the day of, we let them jump in so it kind of balanced out a little bit. Hopefully we will do even more next year.”

MacDonald, who is involved with the Penticton BMX Club, said she received an email from a parent saying their nine-year-old felt it was the best event he’s ever done.

“I think they enjoyed the downtown venue and the longer distances,” she said.



Penticton Western News