Bastion Elementary School student Sara Chubey’s pirate hat falls down while skiing an uphill section of the course during the Pirate Loppet at Larch Hills on Friday, Jan. 30. More than 400 students participated.

Bastion Elementary School student Sara Chubey’s pirate hat falls down while skiing an uphill section of the course during the Pirate Loppet at Larch Hills on Friday, Jan. 30. More than 400 students participated.

Pirates in action

Bastion Elementary School student Sara Chubey’s pirate hat falls down while skiing an uphill section of the course

Bastion Elementary School student Sara Chubey’s pirate hat falls down while skiing an uphill section of the course during the Pirate Loppet at Larch Hills on Friday, Jan. 30. More than 400 students participated.



Salmon Arm Observer