Pitch ‘n Putt: Criss cross apple sauce

If you've got a golf game in Alberni then Joan Thompson has the rhyme.

It doesn’t mean anything, but it rhymes.

It didn’t mean anything in the ball sweep today either, but to determine the final score on your card you had to tally up the points of the lower of two corresponding hole scores for a 9-hole total.

It won Carol Bouchard a brand new ball for coming in with a total of 41.  Janice Cross was close in second place with a 42.  Shannon Haggard was also in second place with her bid to upset the challenge pin holder, Gayle Rhodes.  Rhodes will go on to play yet another round with a new challenger next week.

Low gross score was carded by Patsy Gauthier shooting an 88 just beating out second place finisher, Carol Bouchard who shot a 90.  Low net was recorded as showing two people with the same score. Barb Shearer and Teresa Cutting.

The Master Cup was determined today with the final round.  Patsy Gauthier in the A Division who beat out Carol Hastings quite handily while Teresa Cutting struggled all the way to the finish against Katy Cyr  to finally take it at the last hole for the B Division.

Next week we start a new round of challenges with the 18-hole Division Championship getting underway.

“C” Team members be sure to check your schedule…a big game against Arrowsmith will be getting under way.

Solheim Cup players will be hosting their next game on Aug. 17.  There’s been a cancellation so one space left.  Hurry to get your name in for this competition.

Recently Alberni ladies hosted the Fairwinds Interclub forging ahead with 39 points while their guests finished up with only 33.

Our rules chairperson, Patsy Gauthier presented the prize for the rules quiz to Gayle Rhodes.  Rhodes aced the answers to the quiz…stay tuned for the next one to start.

Wecome back to golfers Linda Christian and Angie Gauthier.  It was our pleasure to golf with you both once again.

Nine-hole Division

A Division:  Marta Williamson was out front and center with the low gross honours.  Marilyn Merwin placed low net as well as sharing the putting jar with a relatively new member, Gwyn Bowen.

B Division:  Marie Swain led in with the low gross score. Lorraine Wilson had low net.  The putting jar winnings were spread pretty thin with three winners, Audrey Pemberton, June Parks and Louise Berlinski.

How about those par holes placed by Williamson on No. 13 and Berklinski on No. 17.

Alberni Valley News