Pitch n’ Putt: money pot up for grabs

Kathy White gives a blow-by-blow of ladies golf in the Alberni Valley.

Nine-hole division

What a beautiful day it was for us, you couldn’t ask for any nicer.  The sun was shining and the course is in wonderful shape.

In the Nine-hole Ladies Low Handicap group, Claudia Romaniuk won the low gross, LaDonna Knutson won low net and low putts. In the High Handicap division Louise Berlinski won the low gross and LeeAnne Van Lent won the low net and had the lowest putts.

Carol Cochran had a par on No. 17.

Eighteen-hole division

In the 18-hole ladies, we had Monthly Medal with the winner being Janice Cross. Cross was the Low Gross winner for the day with an 89.  Kathy White won the low net with 72.  Barb Sheare didn’t play today, she was the holder of the Challenge Pin so the Challenge pin goes to White as she had the Low Net for the day. Gayle Rhodes will challenge her next week.

The winners of the KP’s were Gwyn Bowen on No. 3 and Pat Nicklin on No. 12.  It was the closest shot onto the green.

In the words of Lee Trevino “There are two things not long for this world – dogs that chase cars and pro golfers who chip for pars.”

Alberni Valley News