The Trail Smoke Eaters battled Trail Firefighters and RCMP on the ball diamond at Butler Park last week, and when the dust settled the RCMP-Firefighters took a close 36-35 victory over the Smokies. Right: Deputy Fire Chief Dan Derby brings the heat but (left) Smokies Harlan Orr connects for a good cause as the annual charity game raised $1000 each for Sanctuary and Kate’s Kitchen.

The Trail Smoke Eaters battled Trail Firefighters and RCMP on the ball diamond at Butler Park last week, and when the dust settled the RCMP-Firefighters took a close 36-35 victory over the Smokies. Right: Deputy Fire Chief Dan Derby brings the heat but (left) Smokies Harlan Orr connects for a good cause as the annual charity game raised $1000 each for Sanctuary and Kate’s Kitchen.

Play ball

The Trail Smoke Eaters battled Trail Firefighters and RCMP on the ball diamond at Butler Park last week.

Trail Daily Times