Plenty of hockey action

The World Juniors is an unpredictable tournament that is fun to watch.

Well I hope everyone had a great holiday season. I was up at Apex over the holidays and it was nice to see the mountain have such great snow.

Even though Canada had a disappointing game against the United States, the World Juniors is an unpredictable tournament that is fun to watch.

As I alluded to in my last column there are still lots of hockey here in the area.

In fact this weekend we have a Pee Wee rep tournament at the Summerland arena and of course junior hockey is going full bore all over the Okanagan.

The Summerland Steam have had an up and down season but seeing local players like Steve Semenoff, Doug Chadwick, Kendell Wilson, Rylan Sideroff, Nelson Hurry and Kenton Johnson give their all is what hockey is all about.

Let’s hope Semenoff can keep putting pucks in the net and Chadwick can return from his upper body injury as the Steam gear up for playoffs.

Let’s not forget Jordan McCallum who is having a good year with the Penticton Vees and let’s hope Mitch Chapman, who has been out all year with an ankle injury returns to the Kelowna Rockets.

It is also great to see Dustin Minty climbing up the officiating ladder refereeing in the KIJHL and lining in the BCHL and Western Hockey League.

So even if the National Hockey League hasn’t started, there is still lots to see and do in the area.

For those that want something different than hockey, the Continental Cup of Curling is on at the SOEC  from January 10 to 13, 2013 or for those wanting to get back into shape the Fitness room at the Summerland Aquatic Centre is back in full operation.

Dale MacDonald has been Summerland’s Director of Parks and Recreation for the last 22 years and in his sporting past has won provincial championships in four different sports.


Summerland Review