Poker Club winds up Season 9

Millie Rempel won the regular season, while Rick Dee came first in the wind-up tournament

Winners of the Season 9 tournament show off their trophies. Pictured are (l-r) second place winner Cheryl MacHale, first place winner Rick Dee and third place winner Cindy Derksson.

Winners of the Season 9 tournament show off their trophies. Pictured are (l-r) second place winner Cheryl MacHale, first place winner Rick Dee and third place winner Cindy Derksson.

By Goldie Krawec

Another season of poker has been played and the winner of Season 9 is Millie Rempel with 5,875 points; followed closely by Cheryl MacHale, 5,825; Dave Ek, 5,300; Jeff Kuhn, 4,800; Cindy Derkson 4,600, Fred Roach 4,400, Goldie Krawec 4,400, and Jerry Cotterhill, 3,750. Wild card winner was Robert Jones, who won the position on the last week of play.

The Season 9 tournament was held Wednesday. March 26. with nine players attending. As some of the above were unable to attend, players not mentioned above were called to fill the table with eligible players.

As no one wants to be the first one out, many tried little tricks to outwit the others. Play started slow, with everyone feeling out their opponents carefully. Finally one fell and then more followed until Rick Dee, a last minute participant, ended up winning the first place trophy, followed by Cheryl MacHale and Cindy Derkson.

There were many exceptional hands played but I think one of the least expected was a hand played with the table cards of 3, 3, J, ?, ?, and at showdown the winning hand had 3’s as a pocket pair, thus winning the hand with Four of Kind (Quad 3’s). The opposing hand had pocket Ten’s, making his hand Two Pair.

This past season, 35 players participated in the weekly competition. Many of the new were Internet players and most found that playing against real people was different than just clicking a mouse button and collecting your chips on-line.

Some new players dropped in for the evening as they were working locally for a week or two and tried their hand at a live game. Other locals joined in for their  social event of the week, meeting people from different professions, places, ages and trying to outwit the regular players.

The Texas Hold’m Poker game is held each Wednesday evening at the Wells Gray Inn starting at 7 p.m. sharp. Everyone is welcome to join in to learn the game and have an evening out at no cost for the game. New players need to register before playing. Play for Season 10 starts on Wednesday April 9.

Below: Poker Club leader Fred Roach congratulates Millie Rempel for winning the Season 9 trophy.


Fred & Millie

Clearwater Times