The KSM Skatepark in Port Hardy. (North Island Gazette file photo)

Port Hardy council aims for grant funding for the KSM Skatepark

The KSM Skatepark was originally built in 2003.

The Kyle Scow Memorial (KSM) Skatepark could potentially be getting infused with some serious financial backing.

The District of Port Hardy is currently in the midst of applying for grant funding from the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program- COVID-19 Resilience Infrastructure Stream, which will be accepting applications until Jan. 27, 2021.

According to Chief Administrative Officer Heather Nelson-Smith, the grant funding awarded could potentially be in the range of $300,000 to $500,000, with all the money going towards the skatepark.

Nelson-Smith noted if the grant application turns out to be successful, the district would like to “meet with the users and designers to develop a plan for the project to ensure it is inclusive for the users for now and in the future.”

She added council is very excited about this opportunity, as the skatepark has been “on the books for a long time and the opportunity to apply for funding to help with the costs is a great start at expanding our outdoor recreation infrastructure opportunities.”

Coun. Fred Robertson, who is the chair of the Parks, Recreation, Arts and Culture Committee, confirmed they are in the process of getting recreation projects ready for a few different grant applications. “We see that the skatepark is used, so that’s one of the big projects we want to try and get some grant funding for.”

RELATED: District has no plans to move skatepark

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The KSM Skatepark was originally built in 2003 thanks to over three years of fundraising from the Port Hardy Skateboard Club, $20,000 dollars from the Rotary Club of Port Hardy, and donations made from local business owners to help cover the shortfalls.

The project was brought to life by the youth of Port Hardy for the youth of Port Hardy, and now after 17 years it’s finally looking like it might get some new life breathed into it.

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