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Port Hardy Minor Hockey Association talks upcoming 2021-2022 season

PHMHA is taking applications for coaches, assistant coaches, and youth on-ice mentors

Port Hardy Minor Hockey Association is preparing for the 2021/2022 minor hockey season. We will be welcoming parents, players and fans back to the arena under the viaSport Return to Sport Stage 4 plan, which includes regular practice, game play and spectators.

At this time, we are taking applications for coaches, assistant coaches, and youth on-ice mentors to make up our outstanding coaching team. We are dedicated to continuing to grow and expand our hockey program and remain committed to excellence in minor hockey. This means supporting our coaching team and on-ice helpers.

If you are a returning coach, assistant coach or are interested in trying coaching with us for the first time, we want to hear from you! Please complete the coaching application found at www.triporthockey.ca and submit via email to Port Hardy Minor Hockey at porthardyminorhockey@gmail.com by August 22, 2021. Please indicate on the form your preference for head coach or assistant coach and age division. Each team will also be seeking a team manager and safety persons to ensure players are safe while out on the ice.

We will support Coaches/Assistant Coaches to complete the following required certifications/re-certifications:

• Level 1 Coaching Development Certification

• Clear Criminal Record Check

• Respect in Sport (Coach)

• Concussion Awareness Training (CATT)

Our on-ice youth mentor program will also be continuing this season to support leadership among our youth hockey players. Youth on-ice helpers should be able to demonstrate and mentor younger players to learn hockey skills under the supervision of the coaches, be able to model leadership and excellent sportsmanship by example. We will be seeking at least one youth mentor per team division. Youth interested in this opportunity should be at least 13 years of age, a registered or former PHMHA player and be willing to complete Respect in Sport (Coach), CATT and a criminal record check (if over 18 years). If you have any questions, please contact PHMHA President Nicki Ranger at (250) 230-2953 or porthardyminorhockey@gmail.com for more information.

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