Brian Heller Legacy Scholarship Award - Sagel Wilson. (Submitted photo)

Port Hardy Minor Hockey hands out year-end awards

The 'Outstanding Parent Volunteer Award' went to Kimberly Hunt and Blair Isaac.

Port Hardy Minor Hockey Association held its Annual General Meeting for the 2020/2021 season on March 28 via zoom.

We took a few moments to celebrate our intense learning and many successes the pandemic brought us this year. We celebrated our strong executive team, dedicated coaches and managers and our committed parents and their fearless players! We initiated some very successful fundraising initiatives which we will do annually and remained committed to raising the community profile of our league!

We are so thankful for the support we have received from the community and we are already looking forward to our next season working together with the community.

We elected our upcoming Executive team, with many leaders remaining in their positions for the next season:

President – Nicki Ranger

Vice President – Gary McMillan

Treasurer – Janey Henschke

Secretary – Vanessa Roach

Tournament Coordinator – Marnie Harrison

Equipment Manager – Chris Ranger

Fundraising Director – Angie Clance

The following positions remain vacant and we are actively recruiting community leaders to join us: Registrar, Head Coach, Head Manager, General Directors.

Although the pandemic restricted our game play this year and we were unable to present all of our end of the season league awards, we were very proud to present the following honours:

Parent Volunteer of the Year (new award) – Kimberly Hunt & Blair Isaac

Inspirational Player of the Year – Kylie Thornton (novice) and Isaiah Therrien (bantam)

Brian Burns Memorial Award for Outstanding Mentor – Koen Harwood

Brian Heller Legacy Scholarship (new award) – Sagel Wilson

New to our league this year is the Brian Heller Legacy Scholarship Award. This will be an annual monetary scholarship award given to a graduating Midget player for post-secondary education. Brian Heller left a lasting legacy in our Association and we are honored to be partnering to facilitate this annual award to our players.

Registration for the 2021/2022 season will begin in July of 2021. Watch for information on season registration and summer hockey camps!

@NIGazetteeditor@northislandgazette.comLike us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter

North Island Gazette


Most Inspirational Player - Kylie Thornton, Novice. (Submitted photo)

Brian Burns Memorial Mentorship Award - Koen Harwood. (Submitted photo)

Most Inspirational Player - Isaiah Therrien, Bantam. (Submitted photo)