Pre-atom Seahawk win big

The Sooke pre-atom Seahawks defeated Bulldogs 21-0

Spencer Logan throwing a 20 yard pass for a two point conversion.

Spencer Logan throwing a 20 yard pass for a two point conversion.

It’s with great community pride that Village Food Markets, proud sponsors of Seahawk pre-atom football, reports a win in Duncan against the fierce Bulldogs last Saturday.

Defence as usual held the Dogs to one to first down and no points. Led by Adam Hughes with two game saving tackles, supported by Caleb Carrier, Quinn Macdonald, Kaedan Rheault, Finn Rogers and the backfiled swarming of L.P. Gagnon, Spencer Logan and Jared Steele.

Offence had three touchdowns with Spencer Logan tanking his way to a 15 yard rushing touch down.

Jared Steele zigzagging his way to the end zone and L.P. Gagnon speeding on an outside sweep.

Helping run the ball on offence for their first times was Luther ‘Lightning’ White and Tye ‘The Tiger’ Linquist, both with positive yardage gains.

Caleb Carrier, Hunter Swift and Jacob Barney rounding out the gains on the ground. Shoring up the o-line was Tyson Robinson,Thomas Lowerison, Jacob Barney, Hunter Swift and big time blocks from Malik ‘Puffball’ Youla.

The final score was Seahawks 21 and Bulldogs zero. Our boys played a smaller weaker team and we juggled positions and played a honest, fair game, giving the boys from Duncan a fair chance at playing.

We’re all so proud of these young Sooke boys.

By Andy Carrier,




Sooke News Mirror