The Cowichan Fury’s Sam Smith challenges a Gorge player during Saturday’s game at the Sherman Road turf. (Kevin Rothbauer/Citizen)

The Cowichan Fury’s Sam Smith challenges a Gorge player during Saturday’s game at the Sherman Road turf. (Kevin Rothbauer/Citizen)

Pursuit of perfection a problem for Cowichan Fury

The Cowichan Farm Store Fury were outplayed by a band of seasoned veterans in their Div. 3A men's soccer match at the Sherman Road turf on Saturday afternoon.

The Cowichan Farm Store Fury were outplayed by a band of seasoned veterans in their Div. 3A men’s soccer match at the Sherman Road turf on Saturday afternoon.

The Fury struggled to get anything going on their end as they were defeated 4-1 at the hands of division-leading Gorge Us Guys.

Part of Cowichan’s problem, head coach Will Chaster suggested, is that the Fury were putting too much pressure on themselves.

“The players hold themselves and their teammates to such a high level that they want near perfection,” he explained. “We are working on how to adjust more to ‘moment in the game’ perspective, but big changes take time.”

Gorge held a 3-0 lead at halftime and added another goal at 62 minutes before easing off down the stretch, which allowed Cowichan to create some offence in the form of Ole MacKay’s team-leading fifth goal of the season.

“After their last goal the team began to play as practice and the ball movement and positioning for the most part was spot on,” Chaster said. “The string of passes through the heart of Us Guys defence was very pleasing to watch.”

With one win, three losses and three draws, Cowichan sits seventh in the division. The Fury visit the Juan de Fuca Bombers next Sunday.

Cowichan Valley Citizen