Correlieu’s Mason Hawkridge practicing before her first place hammer throw performance. Ronan O’Doherty photos

Correlieu’s Mason Hawkridge practicing before her first place hammer throw performance. Ronan O’Doherty photos

QJS impresses at Zone track meet

Day two a great success for the school who finish first in Bantam and Junior combined

  • May. 22, 2018 12:00 a.m.

Day two of the North Central Zone Track and Field Championship at Correlieu Secondary School (CSS) took place on May 16.

Contestants took some respite from the weather, as it turned out to be significantly less hot than day one, hovering around the 23-degrees-Celsius mark with a nice breeze blowing over the field.

The tournament as a whole was a success for Quesnel as a city, showcasing its ability to come together and host a big sporting event with 226 athletes representing 26 teams from across the north.

Quesnel’s schools also impressed, with Quesnel Junior School (QJS) coming in first overall for Bantam (Grade 8) Girls, first overall for Bantam Boys and first overall for Bantam Combined.

Their Junior Girls team finished second overall and Junior Boys finished third with a first overall for Junior Combined.

While Correlieu didn’t nab any firsts overall, their results are nothing to sneeze at, finishing runner up in Senior Women, Senior Men and Senior Team Combined.

Highlights of the teams’ performances are below. See the Friday, May 18 edition of the Observer for day one results, or visit’s local sports page.


Senior women’s events

• Hammer throw – Mason Hawkridge, 1st

• Shot put – Raechel Fowler, 2nd

• Javelin – Annabelle LaLonde, 1st; Raechel Fowler, 2nd

Senior men’s events

• High jump – Bazil Spencer, 1st (cleared 1.85m)

• Triple hump – Alex Berlinguette, 1st

• 200m dash – Curtus Leroux, 4th

• Sprint hurdles – Spencer Dent, 1st

Junior women’s events

• Sprint hurdles – Tatum Mueller, 1st

Junior men’s events

• Sprint hurdles – Christopher Henderson, 1st

Quesnel Junior School

Bantam (Grade 8) girls events

• 200m dash – Reese Jacobsen, 1st; Emma Blair, 4th

•Sprint hurdles – Lidia Solecki, 1st; Emma Blair, 2nd

• High jump – Baillie Jackson, 1st; Emma Blair, 2nd

• Long jump – Baillie Jackson, 3rd

• Hammer throw – Olivia Momer, 1st

Bantam (Grade 8) boys events

• Triple jump – Reese Hamelin, 2nd

• Discus – Kyle Eggert, 1st; Caleb Woollends, 2nd

Junior women’s events – QJS Grade 9 girls competing against Grade 9 and 10 students

• Sprint hurdles – Tori Anderson, 4th

• High jump – Lauren Pastachak, 2nd

• Shot put – Kara Hanson, 1st

• Hammer throw – Kara Hanson, 2nd

Junior men’s events – QJS Grade 9 boys competing against Grade 9 and 10 students

• 200m dash – Ryan Pugh, 3rd

• High jump – Rylan Murphy, 3rd

• Triple jump – Tanner Bolton, 2nd

• Discus – Evan Fisher, 3rd

• Hammer throw – Evan Fisher, 3rd

Quesnel Cariboo Observer