Quartet on a roll to take on BC

Oak Bay teens look to curling rink for BC Games success

Coach Ken MacDonald, with Oak Bay’s Dennis Williams, Reed Oulton, Ben Krystalowich and Evan Scott-Moncrief, competing in the BC Winter Games.

Coach Ken MacDonald, with Oak Bay’s Dennis Williams, Reed Oulton, Ben Krystalowich and Evan Scott-Moncrief, competing in the BC Winter Games.

A team of teens who don’t regularly play as a rink will “take a run” at provincial competition.

The foursome of skip Evan Scott-Moncrief, third Ben Krystalowich, second Reed Oulton and lead Dennis Williams came together to curl a winning competition and earn a berth at the BC Winter Games.

“We didn’t have a regular season. This team was formed by four guys in the Victoria Curling Academy that were all singles that decided they wanted to take a run at the BC Games,” said coach Ken MacDonald. “They are all strong players for their age group, they played incredibly well in Nanaimo in our qualifier.”

Oak Bay’s Williams, a Grade 10 student at St. Andrews, brings “a freshness that’s unbelievable,” the coach says.

Unafraid to be quirky, “Dennis makes sure we keep it real,” says MacDonald. “He helps the rest of the group to understand what’s important. He’s way more than ready to go to this event, all four of them are.”

Williams started curling, following in his brother’s slider, around age five.

“It’s a fun sport. There are lots of great people in it,” he says.

Williams is conscious of his positive and focused attitude, and strives to always share that aspect with the team. That enthusiasm spills over to his first experience at a provincial competition.

“I get to represent the Island for a very Canadian sport,” Williams said. “There are a bunch of other people in my (curling) academy who have been to the BC Games and they say it’s really cool. I’m excited to be one of the club.”

The team hits the ice three or four times a week, often apart, each playing with his regular team at the Victoria Curling Club, in preparation for the Games.

“It’s likely to be a very strong experience for them, they’re pretty excited about going. It’s just a matter if they can maintain their focus,” MacDonald said. “They’ve worked together really hard.”

Island athletes, including the curling foursome hit the ferries Wednesday to arrive in Princeton late that night in anticipation of the opening ceremonies yesterday (Feb. 25).


Oak Bay News