Members of the Quesnel Special Olympics track team round the curve at Correlieu Secondary School. (Facebook)

Quesnel athletes shine at virtual Special Olympics events

Quesnel athletes made up nearly half the participants at a track and field event

  • Nov. 12, 2020 12:00 a.m.

The Special Olympics athletes who competed at virtual events were honoured by B.C. Special Olympics during an online ceremony Nov. 3.

Rick Prosk is the program co-ordinator and head coach for track and field at Quesnel Special Olympics. He said Quesnel was the only club province-wide to participate in two sports (golf and track and field) and was the only club to have two separate sessions of track and field.

Activities across the province were heavily restricted because of COVID-19 prevention measures, with even events in the summer of 2021 off the table for the organization.

READ MORE: Quesnel Special Olympics celebrates successful season despite COVID-19 challenges

Nearly half of all participants at a provincial virtual track and field meet were from Quesnel.

Despite a shortened season, Prosk wanted to spotlight athletes who improved or succeeded in what he called a “summer-fall” season.

Grade 11 student Josh Tilsner may have had the high school track season cancelled earlier this year, but he shone at provincials. He took home top spot in the 100m, 200m and 400m, adding on a second place finish in the long jump.

Prosk said Tilsner’s personal-best time of 12.28 seconds in the 100m dash and season-best time of under a minute in the 400m were impressive.

“In 2017, we had the provincial summer games, and that 12.28 would have been the fastest time in the province for Special Olympics,” he said. “He’s a sprint specialist … All season, he had been working to get under a minute (in the 400m).”

Prosk also wanted to praise Dean Cake. At 47 years old, Cake is the oldest track athlete at Quesnel Special Olympics.

“[Cake], this year, was setting some personal bests, which to me was just incredible for someone to do at 47 as a track athlete,” he said. “It illustrates one of the great things about Special Olympics. You can continue to train and compete and excel. There’s no maximum age limit.”

Cake took 30 seconds off his 200m time from the start of the season.

Scott Jonasson hasn’t competed in track for four years, but he came back to compete in 2020. He started the season running over 1:40 in the 400m, and at the track meet, he ran 1:14.

“He’s another athlete who was conscientious about attending every practice and intent on improving,” Prosk said.

Prosk also gave a shout out to Daniel Tilsner — the club’s youngest competitor at 11 years old. He competed in the long jump and three-kilometre run.

Athletes will be receiving their awards from Special Olympics B.C. through the mail.

READ MORE: Special Olympics Quesnel sprints past COVID-19 challenges

Quesnel results for season-ending events:

Trevor Roszmann (golf): 3rd (x2), 2nd and 1st in the long putt event

Gerald Wourms (golf): 3rd (x3) and 1st in the pitch shot event

Cory Melnychuk: 3rd in 200m, 1st in long jump (2.10m)

Glenda Melnychuk: 3rd in 10m, 2nd in 200m, 2nd in 400m

Chad Harder: 1st in long jump (3.05m), 1st in 200m (33.56s), 1st in 400m (1:24.73)

Joshua Tilsner: 2nd in long jump, 1st in 100m (12.28s), 1st in 200m (25.07s), 1st in 400m (59.09s)

Matthew Hender: 2nd in 200m, 2nd in 3K, 1st in long jump (4.48m)

Zachary Tilsner: 2nd in long jump, 1st in 100m (16.75s), 1st in 200m (36.77s), 1st in 400m (1:35.41)

Daniel Tilsner: 3rd in long jump, 3rd in 3K (14.27.75)

Aaron Allinson: 3rd in long jump, 3rd in 100m, 2nd in 200m, 1st in 400m (2:06.93)

Dean Cake: 3rd in 200m, 2nd in 400m

Greg Lindstrom: 2nd in all four events – long jump, 100m, 200m and 400m

Scott Jonasson: 3rd in long jump, 3rd in 200m, 2nd in 100m

Jessica Colpitts: 3rd in 100m, 2nd in 400m, 1st in standing long jump (1.35m)

Candice Valois: 3rd in standing long jump, 3rd in 200m, 1st in 100m (24.13s)

Haley Higdon: 3rd in 400m, 1st in 200m (1:07.04)

Aleena Klotz: 3rd in 200m, 3rd in 400m, 2nd in 100m, 2nd in standing long jump

Dakota Blaich: 3rd in 100m 3rd in 400m, 1st in 200m (44.65s)

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