QUICK Silver

The Junior boys team from Centennial Christian School placed second at cross-country zones here Oct. 22.

The Junior boys team from Centennial Christian School placed second at cross-country zones here Oct. 22. L-R are Connor Block, who won first; Aidan Carter, Stephen Lopez, Robin McNeil, and Owen Block, who won fourth; and coach Tim Block.

The Junior boys team from Centennial Christian School placed second at cross-country zones here Oct. 22. L-R are Connor Block, who won first; Aidan Carter, Stephen Lopez, Robin McNeil, and Owen Block, who won fourth; and coach Tim Block.

The Junior boys team from Centennial Christian School placed second at cross-country zones here Oct. 22. Within that junior team, Connor Block won first and Owen Block took fourth.

The cross-country senior girls from Skeena-Caledonia earned first place at zones and junior girls second.

Both teams send runners to compete in provincials in Kelowna Nov. 5.

Terrace Standard