Racing real hard in Revelstoke

100 Mile Nordics Ski Club members race in very challenging conditions

Local cross country skiers Allie Donnelly, left, Emma Law and Emma Donnelly, brought some competition to a BC Teck Cup race in Revelstoke, Jan. 24-25.

Local cross country skiers Allie Donnelly, left, Emma Law and Emma Donnelly, brought some competition to a BC Teck Cup race in Revelstoke, Jan. 24-25.

The extremely warm and rainy conditions made the ski and wax conditions very challenging at a cross country ski event in Revelstoke on Jan. 24-25.

But, despite the challenges, a great time was had by all the 100 Mile Nordics Ski Club members that took part, says coach Sandy Law.

Seven local skiers descended on the Mt. Macpherson trail system for the second race in the 2014-15 BC Cup series.

The two-day event saw races for athletes of all ages.

Allie Donnelly, 7, finished fifth in the atom division’s interval start classic 1-kilometre race, with a time of 8:08. A. Donnelly was also third in the atom division mass start 1-km skate race, with 6:49.

Emma Donnelly, 10, finished fourth in the peewee division’s interval start, 1-km classic race, with a time of 5:37. She was fourth in the mass start, 1-km skate race, with a time of 4:47.

Emma Law, 10, finished 16th in the interval start, 2.5-km bantam division classic race, with a time of 13:00. Law was also 17th in the mass start, 2.5-km skate race, with a time of 10:47.

This was the Donnelly girls’ first BC Cup, and Emma Law’s first time skiing the 2.5-km distance in a BC Cup event.

“These little racers skied really hard and had a great time,” says coach Law. “They’re definitely bringing some competition to these big races.”

Members of the 100 Mile Nordics Club will be attending the Teck BC Championships in Kelowna, Feb 19-22.


100 Mile House Free Press