Rambler girls win Grade 8 basketball tourney

The Maple Ridge Ramblers defeated the host Argyle Pipers 29-22 Sunday to win a Grade 8 girls’ basketball tournament in North Vancouver.

The Maple Ridge Ramblers defeated the host Argyle Pipers 29-22 Sunday to win a Grade 8 girls’ basketball tournament in North Vancouver.

The Rams opened the first tournament of the season Friday by defeating Pemberton 65-2.

Ridge then downed the Collingwood Cavaliers 49-32 on Saturday to advance to the final later that afternoon.

The team is coached this year by longtime senior girls’ coach Don Herman. Members of the Grade 8 team who competed in the tourney included Kaila Barteski, Paige  Bell, Emily Duchak, Emma Hall, Aly Heppner, Ashleigh Lesser, Sarah Metzner, Emily Morley, Kirsten Senchyna, and Emma Adams.

Maple Ridge News