Maple Ridge Ramblers competed in a tough cross-country race in Oregon that featured challenging terrain, including deep mud. (Contributed)

Maple Ridge Ramblers competed in a tough cross-country race in Oregon that featured challenging terrain, including deep mud. (Contributed)

Ramblers runners top finishers on tough courses

MRSS cross-country team travels to Oregon

The Maple Ridge Ramblers cross country running team travelled to Seaside, Oregon on the weekend to participate in the Nike Three Course Challenge held at Camp Rilea Military Base.

Ilse Rafter finished second in division two competition on the “difficult” course, while Jade Lenton finished fourth on the “moderate” course.

Featuring the toughest terrain of any cross country course in the Pacific Northwest, athletes had to navigate many challenges including deep mud. They competed against runners from B.C. to California.

Maple Ridge News