RC pilots soar at Fun Fly

Beginners welcome to fly radio-controlled model airplanes

100 Mile Model Flyers Club members Denis Doucette, left, Bill Hood and John Code were at 99 Mile Hill for a Fun Fly event near 100 Mile House on July 25.

100 Mile Model Flyers Club members Denis Doucette, left, Bill Hood and John Code were at 99 Mile Hill for a Fun Fly event near 100 Mile House on July 25.

The 100 Mile Model Flyers had 16 pilots take to the sky with their radio-controlled airplanes during a Fun Fly on July 25-26.

The event at 99 Mile Hill was a lot of fun, says the club’s president Bill Hood.

Pilots chased balloons with their aircraft and played combat games at the family friendly event.

While a majority of the pilots were local flyers, some travelled from as far away as Abbostford, Kelowna and Prince George.

A few first-time flyers also took the controls with an instructor using a “buddy box” – two radio systems joined together for training purposes.

“If somebody wants to come up and try the buddy box, they’re more than welcome,” says Hood.

Hood can be reached for more information about the club at 250-397-2575.

The 100 Mile Model Flyers usually get together at the top of 99 Mile Hill on Sundays between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m.

Spectators are welcome.


100 Mile House Free Press