Reason 2 Run to hold 10-km road clinic

Reason 2 Run will be holding a 10-km road clinic Sept. 5 for people who are looking to increase their running distance.

Co-organizer’s of the 10-km road clinic Veronica McIlvenna and Candace Miller are preparing for the clinic which begins Sept. 5 at 6 p.m at Reason 2 Run.

Co-organizer’s of the 10-km road clinic Veronica McIlvenna and Candace Miller are preparing for the clinic which begins Sept. 5 at 6 p.m at Reason 2 Run.


Observer Reporter

Reason 2 Run will be holding a 10-km road clinic Sept. 5 for people who are looking to increase their running distance.

The clinic is an eight week program which is designed for people who have already completed a 5-km run and want to improve their distance. Co-organizer Candace Miller says they came up with the idea because they thought it would be something different they could offer to the community.

“We have always done a 0 – 5 km but haven’t done a 10-km clinic since I opened in 2012,” Miller said.

“We’ve always done trail but not a specific 10-km road in the last couple of years and we thought it would be a good way to get people geared up for our winter running group in January and the Women’s Fall Challenge.”

She says this clinic is not for people who are new to running.

“The program is set up for people who want to try and increase their distance up to 10-km and we would like people who have already completed a 5-km run,” Miller said.

“It’s not a 0 – 10km clinic like our 0 – 5 km clinic is.”

“A majority of people who want to increase their distance up to 10-km are one’s who have completed a 5-km run.”

She adds there will be two groups.

“They will be separated into two groups for people who want to increase their distance to get up to 10-km and people who have already done a 10-km run, but want to get a little quicker in their pace,” Miller said.

Although increasing to a 10-km run may sound tough Miller says for people who have completed a 5-km run it will not be as difficult as it seems.

“We generally have a one per cent rule where we increase each week,” Miller said.

“The program is over eight weeks so for a lot of people who have already done a 5-km run, adding another 5-km is a great increase. Over the eight weeks we will have no problem getting them up to 10-km.”

Co-organizer Veronica McIlvenna reminds people who are considering joining that it’s a gradual increase during the eight weeks.

“We encourage everyone to go at their own pace and not run at other people’s paces, so that no one has the feeling they’re being left behind,” McIlvenna said.

The cost is $65 and will be held every Monday starting Sept. 5th for eight weeks with the first meeting at Reason 2 Run at 6 p.m.

People interested can contact Miller at or stop by the store.


Quesnel Cariboo Observer