If you want to live healthier longer, now is a good time to start with a daily walking exercise routine.
All it takes is just 30 minutes of walking a day to help you feel better and younger – invest a little time for a healthier future.
As we age, we must take the time to exercise. Walking is a simple but very effective way to fight the war against heart disease, diabetes and other health-related diseases.
Walking is one of the easiest ways to improve your health, fitness and overall well-being.
At the end of the day, it’s the sum of our steps that determines the state of our health.
You may not perceive the few steps to the car or the quick walk home from the grocery store as exercise but it’s the accumulation of this activity, or the lack of it, that can determine whether you’re active and healthy or sedentary and unhealthy.
From improving your health and elevating your mood to maintaining a healthy weight, walking is an ideal form of exercise for almost everyone.
If you wait until you develop a health problem, you will be spending more than 30 minutes a day on drugs, surgery and recovery, treatments, getting the medical bills paid and going to appointments.
Instead, spend those 30 minutes a day beforehand in an exercise you enjoy. If walking doesn’t work try biking or swimming. If walking is too mild, try running.
The Love and Sugar walking group is back for another season. The group meets every Monday, Wednesday and Friday at the aquatic centre parking lot and heads out for a walk around the block.
This is a self-led walking program and anyone can join. There is no fee to join but be ready for laughs and fun.
Springtime means getting in shape for the summer and being ready to bike ride or go for hikes.
Circuit classes are a great way to get an all around full body workout. Shape up for spring starts Tuesday, April 3 from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. and will run for the month of April and May. Space is limited so call to reserve your spot.
For information give us a call at 250-442-2202 or email us at gfplay@rdkb.com.
You can also visit our website at www.rdkb.com to view the March flyer.