The Summerland Recreation Department will offer fitness classes once again this fall.

The Summerland Recreation Department will offer fitness classes once again this fall.

Recreation department offers fall programs

With two weeks until the end of summer vacation, we must force ourselves to look forward towards a new fall schedule.

With two weeks until the end of summer vacation, we must force ourselves to look forward towards a new fall schedule.

As difficult as it is to pack away the summer beach toys and get the closets ready for back to school wear, it’s a great time to plan out how you want to spend your time for the remainder of 2015.

What activities do you want to sign up for? What sports or programs interest your children most? Is there something new you have always wanted to try? There’s no time like the present.

Summerland Aquatic Centre released the Fall Recreation Guide last week. It can be found online at, at the Aquatic Centre, Library or delivered to your doorstep if you receive ad mail.

When I first moved to Summerland with two small children, my friend let me in on the secret that if I wanted to get into the most sought after program at the time, I had to be at the Aquatic Centre at 6 a.m. the day the guide came out in order to get my child into the program. Fill out my form and drop it off. And that’s what I did.

It was for the Puddle Jumpers program run by Liz Minty for pre-school children.

Both my boys went through the Puddle Jumpers program at three and four years of age, and it prepared them to start full days of Kindergarten by the age of five.

The rush for exercise classes continues this fall.

Affordable fitness classes with great fitness instructors are currently the fastest filling courses with prime time slots full by the end of the first day of registration.

Lesson: Don’t delay. Register now for your fall programs. Waiting until the last minute may limit your choice, and great classes can get cancelled if registration needs are not met by the week before the class is scheduled to start.

New to Summerland Recreation this year is Hooked on Dancing with Paulette Wigston. She brings partner dancing to our Arena Banquet Room for two hours of fun on Wednesday evenings.

You don’t need a partner to sign up. Register and you’ll be sure to make some great new friends.

We are also thrilled to again receive funding from ParticipACTION for our Teen Yoga class with Cindi Tomochko. Teen Yoga will be free for our fall program on Tuesdays from 4 to 5:15 p.m. from Sept. 22 to Dec. 8. Registration is required at the Aquatic Centre.

We are offering a new Kids Yoga called Lotus Buds for five- to eight-year-olds and nine- to 12-year-olds on Thursday afternoons with Tammy Semple.

Popular classes return such as Yoga with Marsha Saldat and Cheryl Plewis. Stott Pilates with Farren Tilitzky has been drawing quite the following on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.

Joanne Malar is the program coordinator for Summerland Recreation, three-time Olympic swimmer, 2012 Olympic commentator, kinesiologist and holistic nutritionist.


Summerland Review