Recreation website features opportunities to get active

many organized sports and recreation groups should check out the District of Invermere’s formal recreation web page

Residents and long weekend visitors in town interested in learning more about the valley’s many organized sports and recreation groups should check out the District of Invermere’s formal recreation web page.

The website — — has been running for about 10 years and features just about all the recreation activities and programs available.

“It provides a clearing house for any information to do with recreation opportunities in the valley. It’s great for parents of kids or really anybody, no matter what age,” said Invermere chief administrative officer Chris Prosser, adding the site was initially started thanks to funding from the Vancouver Olympics-related Legacy Now organization.

The site was previously run by Invermere soccer club organizer Bob Gadsby, before he turned it over to the district to run about five years ago. Activities covered on the site include local baby-tot programs, College of the Rockies recreation programs, badminton, baseball, biking and cycling, the local climbing wall, curling, dance, figure skating, fitness, gymnastics, hockey, judo, karate, kickboxing and muay thai, running-walking, skiing, slo-pitch, soccer, swimming, tennis and yoga.

Each activity has its own page on the site, and there are also pages detailing information on recreation facilities and parks in the area.

Organized recreation groups not listed on the site can get their own web page at no charge. Those interested should contact the district office to learn more by calling


Invermere Valley Echo