Red Mountain hosts Free-skiing competition

Red Mountain near Rossland hosted skiers from all around this past weekend.

Castlegar native Jeff Ashton competing in the 12-14 year-old category.

Castlegar native Jeff Ashton competing in the 12-14 year-old category.

Even with little snow, the local Freeskiers from Red Mountain Ski Academy did the area proud by skiing to great finished in the Canadian Open Freeskiing Championships at Red Mountain this past weekend, Jan. 12-15.

Castlegar native Jeff Ashton finished fifth in his age group (12-14). As a second year ski academy skiier, this was Jeff’s top finish to date.

Other academy students in the Saturday finals were Jacob Flood-20th and Cole Sutherland (41st in 12-14 year-olds); Sally Stevens, first in 15-18; Vinzenz Keller- 8th, Sean Ennis-16th, and Jay Maloney 59th in 15-18 year-olds.

The next competition for these competitors is Whitewater at the end of January.

Castlegar News