Regional high school rodeo this weekend

The regional B.C. High School Rodeo Association competition starts this morning, Friday, May 6 in the Stampede Grounds with the Wrangler division rodeo contestants ages seven to nine.

Sharon MacDonald

Special to The Tribune



The regional B.C. High School Rodeo Association competition starts this morning, Friday, May 6 in the Stampede Grounds with the Wrangler division  rodeo contestants ages seven to nine.

These young people compete in events such as dummy roping, shoot dogging,  steer wrestling, break-away roping, calf-tail tying, goat tying, and more entertaining rodeo events.

Friday evening kicks off the first of a series of rodeo competitions for the High School Rodeo Queen contestants. 

Saturday the Wrangler events for younger competitors continue in the morning.  

The events for high school students start in the afternoon with showcase ribbon roping, bull riding, steer wrestling, team roping, break-away roping, tie-down roping, bronc riding, bare-back riding, pole bending, barrel racing, goat tying and more.

Sunday the high school events run morning to early afternoon.

Admission is free. Bring your family to enjoy our local rodeo youth in action. 

The infield concession will be open during the weekend. 

The provincial finals will be held at the Stampede Grounds in the lakecity in June.


Williams Lake Tribune