The Strathcona Nordics have recreational and racing programs for all ages and abilities of skiers. File photo

The Strathcona Nordics have recreational and racing programs for all ages and abilities of skiers. File photo

Registration open for Strathcona Nordic Ski Club

We dare you to try being too close on skis.

  • Oct. 19, 2020 12:00 a.m.

We dare you to try being too close on skis.

While some recreational programs might not be appropriate while the coronavirus pandemic wears on, the Strathcona Nordic Ski Club is accepting registrations for its new season. Registration is open throughout October with early bird prices on program fees ending Nov. 30. Regular fees apply until Jan 3.

The Strathcona Nordics, Vancouver Island’s cross-country ski club, have recreational and racing programs for all ages and abilities of skiers. Recreational programs run for 10 weeks starting Jan. 9 and 10. They are designed to get you skiing for fun and fitness with a group of peers for two hours every Saturday or Sunday morning.

Unfortunately, this year the Strathcona Nordics will not hold its annual Ski Swap. Instead, check out the Gear Page at, where more information about events and programs can be found.

The club can also be found on Facebook and Instagram.

Comox Valley Record