Resident Hunters Association draws interest

Between 35 and 40 people from the hunting and outdoors community came from as far away as Clearwater to learn about the RHABC’s mission and how important the public’s involvement is in the organization.


The majority of those who attended the meeting ended up signing on as members, says Don Dickerson, RHABC Zone 5 vice-president.


“There were lots of new faces and our membership climbed. We’re feeling really positive.”


He adds more interest in the RHABC has to be taken by hunters, to ensure there is local input at meetings of regional wildlife committees and of the Provincial Hunting Regulations and Allocations Advisory Committee (PHRAAC).


Currently, there is member representation in five wildlife regions in Zone 5, which has a total of nine regions. The Ministry of Environment maintains the zone must have representation from at least six regions to participate in meetings of the PHRAAC, he notes.


Dickerson says the local chapter will continue to focus on increasing its membership, and on April 3, they will hold another meeting to discuss what concerns and suggestions might be taken to the next PHRAAC meeting if this zone qualifies to attend.


For more information about the RHABC or about becoming a member, contact Dickerson at 250-395-2862 or Judy Banas at 250-395-4003.

100 Mile House Free Press